Edit this pageThe Router
component is a top level component that manages the routing of your application.
There is an optional root
prop that can be used to wrap the entire application in a layout component, which will not be updated when the page changes.
import { render } from "solid-js/web";import { Router, Route } from "@solidjs/router";
const App = (props) => ( <> <h1>Root header</h1> {props.children} </>);
render( () => <Router root={App}>{/*... routes */}</Router>, document.getElementById("app"));
prop | type | description |
children | JSX.Element , RouteDefinition , or RouteDefinition[] | The route definitions |
root | Component | Top level layout component |
base | string | Base url to use for matching routes |
actionBase | string | Root url for server actions, default: /_server |
preload | boolean | Enables/disables preloads globally, default: true |
explicitLinks | boolean | Disables all anchors being intercepted and instead requires <A> . default: false . (To disable interception for a specific link, set target to any value, e.g. <a target="_self"> .) |
url | string | The initial route to render |